Above the City - 2000 |
 Above the Freeway - 2001 |
 Acts of God? - 2001 - SOLD |
 Advertising Criticism #1 - 1999 |
 Advertising Criticism #2 - 1999 |
 Advertising Criticism #3 - 1999 |
 Angela Tarango #1 - 1999 |
 Angela Tarango #2 - 1999 |
 Assassin in Paris - 2009 |
 Atalanta with the Head of Orpheus - 2007 |
 Autostopowicz - 1999 |
 Bad Vibrations - 2002 |
 Bald Girl Shaving - 2004 |
 Bald Grrl - 2001 |
 Canadian Goth - 2004 |
 Canadian Water Nymph - 2005 |
 Cancer #1 - 2001 |
 Cancer #2 - 2001 |
 Capitalism Perverts Reality #1: 2001 |
 Capitalism Perverts Reality #2: 2001 - SOLD |
 Changing People - 2001 - SOLD |
 Che Guevara Meets Diego Riviera - 2001 - SOLD |
 Cyborg Blowing Bubblegum - 2000 |
 Dark Fairie - 2000 |
 Elevator Scene: Changing Times - 2000 |
 Eternal Lovers - 1998 - SOLD |
 Faces of Personality - 1998 |
 Fantine's Depression - 2002 |
 Fetish: Nails - 2001 |
 Fetish: Roleplaying - 2001 |
 Freudian Explosion - 2002 |
 Gene Machine: Glowing Equality - 2000 |
 Gene Machine: Kali - 2000 |
 Greener Grass - 1997 |
 Goddess of Moonlight - 2005 |
 Hairy Arm Pits #1 - 2001 |
 Hallway Lilith #1 - 1998 - MURAL DESTROYED |
 Hallway Lilith #2 - 1998 - MURAL DESTROYED |
 Hallway Lilith #3 - 1998 - MURAL DESTROYED |
 Hallway Lilith #4 - 1998 - MURAL DESTROYED |
 Hallway Lilith #5 - 1998 - MURAL DESTROYED |
 Headache - 2001 |
 Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #1: Childhood - 2001 |
 Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #2: Flowers - 2001 |
 Hermaphroditus/Salmacis Series #3: Crying - 2001 |
 Hypatia and the Lighthouse of Alexandria - 2011 |
 I69 - 2005 - SOLD |
 Incubus in the Night - 2011 |
 Jack the Ripper - 2001 |
 Julie #1 - 2003 |
 Kat #1 - 2001 |
 Katya - 2000 |
 Lilith by the Red Sea - 2000 |
 Lilith Incarnation #1 : Blue Lilith - 1999 |
 Lilith Incarnation #2 : Autumn Lilith - 2000 |
 Lilith Incarnation #3 : Forest Lilith - 2000 |
 Lilith Incarnation #4 : Scary Lilith - 2000 - SOLD |
 Lilith Incarnation #5 : Red Lilith - 2002 |
 Lion Nightmare #1 - 2000 |
 Lion Nightmare #2 - 2001 |
 Lion Nightmare #3 - 2001 |
 Male Taboo Topic #1 - 2001 |
 Male Taboo Topic #4 - 2001 |
 Male Taboo Topic #7 - 2001 |
 Marilith - 2000 |
 Mirage Painting #1: Thinking - 2001 |
 Oil, Blood and Cleavage - 2003 |
 Oil Truck - 2003 |
 Overbeck Reproduction - 2002 |
 Pacifism - 2002 |
 Pacifist - 2003 |
 Persephone with the Pomegranate - 2008 |
 Postal Warrior II - 2000 |
 Protestor - 2003 |
 Reject - 2000 |
 Reproduction - 2001 - SOLD |
 Reproduction of the Burney Relief - 2010 - SOLD |
 Salmacis in the Rain - 2003 |
 Self Analysis #1 - 2002 |
 Self Analysis #2 - 2002 |
 Self Analysis #3 - 2002 |
 Sexual Blasphemy #1 - 2005 |
 Sputnik - 2000 |
 Statues of Memory - 2000 |
 Succubus in Corset - 2001 |
 Tattoo of Time - 1999 - SOLD |
 The Cleveland Medusa - 1999 |
 The Glowing Maid - 1998 - SOLD |
 The Suited Succubus - 2000 |
 Twelve Faces - 1998 - SOLD |
 Ungnyeo in the Cave - 2009 - SOLD |
 United States Censorship - 2001 - NOT FOR SALE |
 Untitled #3 - 2003 |
 Valeska - 2000 |
 Vertigo - 2001 |
 Violinist #2 - 2003 |
 Why? - 2000 |
 Windsurfing - 1997 - SOLD |